Privacy policy

Personal data


We use cookies to facilitate browsing our, and websites.  Cookies also enable the proper implementation of price quote and contact inquiries.

Data collection
In the operating framework of the, and websites, as soon as a price or contact request form is filled out, Créabox sarl saves the information necessary to process the customer price and/or contact request and ensuing exchanges between yourself – the Customer – and us at Créabox.
No data is gathered without your knowledge.

Data collected
To ensure a good business relationship and efficient order follow-up with our Customers, Créabox saves the following information in a database:
– company name
– registration for European Union company  : the VAT registration number
– registration for the Outside EU-company : the TIN tax identification number
– registration for the French company : thez SIRET or VAT registration number
– first name, last name and job title of requesting customer
– full company address: street number and name, additional address information when applicable (industrial zone or complex, etc.), zip code, city and country
– full billing address if different from the above: street number and name, additional address information when applicable (industrial zone or complex, etc.), zip code, city and country
– telephone numbers (landline and cellular) and e-mail address of requesting customer
– a summary of the telephone and e-mail exchanges – technical and financial documents allowing to process the order.

Use of data
The use of data is done within the framework of a strict business-to-business (B2B) transaction. Créabox does not provide business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.
This data is necessary to process Customer requests, manage orders (quotes, manufacturing, delivery and payment) and sales follow-through.
This data is shared with associated partners certified by Créabox only when necessary (for example: billing and/or product delivery by manufacturer).

Data storage and management
Créabox stores its data with its database hosting (Infomaniak in Switzerland) and back-up partners (Orange-pro Sugarsync in France).
Account information (purchases, price quotes, invoices, transportation) is kept for 10 years following its occurrence.
This time period is mandatory under French law, for purposes of proof: all data connected to invoicing must be kept for 10 years (paragraph 2 of article L. 123-22 in the French code of commerce).
This information may not be sold or shared with any third-party providers.

French Information Technologies and Freedom Commission (CNIL)
The Créabox websites (, and have been registered with the Information Technologies and Freedom Commission (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)) in compliance with the French «computing and data protection act» number 78-17 of January 6th, 1978. The registration number is 12211991.

Personal data access
In compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), act number 2016/679, you – the Customer – have the option to access, update, limit and delete your data. You are legally entitled to ask us to withdraw your consent to our data collection and storage at any time.
In order to do this, please send a message using the contact form or a letter to Créabox 8 rue des frères Caudron – CS30264, 78147 Vélizy cedex France. Your request will be addressed within the legal delays established by the European Commission.

Nota bene: view terms and conditions
