Terms and conditions
The www.pochon-sur-mesure.com, www.custom-fabric-bags.com and www.creabox-packaging.com websites are edited by Créabox sarl
Créabox sarl
8 rue des frères Caudron – CS30264
78147 Vélizy cedex, France, European Union
sarl with an 11,000€ capital
Versailles Trade and Companies Register (Yvelines, 78)
RCS: 402333082
SIRET: 40233308200046
VAT registration number: FR31402333082
APE code: 4676Z
Contact information
phone: +33 647 30 31 68
contact form
Créabox was developed with the help of E-Linec based on the WordPress B4st theme content management system.
Publisher: Francis Marechal
Text: Créabox
Images: Créabox and partners document database
The www.pochon-sur-mesure.com, www.custom-fabric-bags.com and www.creabox-packaging.com websites offer informative content, contact information and price quotes along with a database.
Infomaniak network
website: www.infomaniak.com
telephone: +33 1 58 35 01 13
contact form
Personal data processing
Please go to our data privacy policy page which explains how your data is processed.
Intellectual property
www.custom-fabric-bags.com, www.pochon-sur-mesure.com and www.creabox-packaging.com are protected under the French and international legislations on copyright and intellectual property.
No commercial use, reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification, incorporation or translation of any data, even partial, of these websites shall be made without the prior consent of Créabox.
Limitation of liability
Créabox tries to keep its websites updated and reserves the right to modify its content at any time. The information and visuals on the websites are used for information purposes only and are not legally binding.
Créabox shall not be liable for any direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages – whatever the cause, origin, nature and consequences – that result from the use of, or the inability to use the www.custom-fabric-bags.com, www.pochon-sur-mesure.com and www.creabox-packaging.com websites and any user-generated damage to its products.
Jurisdiction clauses
Any litigation relating to the www.custom-fabric-bags.com, www.pochon-sur-mesure.com and www.creabox-packaging.com websites shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Versailles (Yvelines) governed by French law.